In the database error log file the following errors appear:
ERR IPC 11287: attach_shm: shmat error, Too many open files id 32768342 flag 00 addr 0x0
ERR IPC 11299: stat_shm: id 32768342
ERR IPC 11301: stat_shm: shm size 131256
ERR IPC 11302: stat_shm: attaches 0
ERR IPC 11303: stat_shm: creator uid 131
ERR IPC 11304: stat_shm: owner uid 131
ERR IPC 11305: stat_shm: permissions 0101600
ERR IPC 11306: stat_shm: creator pid 20776
ERR IPC 11307: stat_shm: last op pid 0
ERR 11277 IPC create_sem: semget error, No space left on device
ERR 11000 d0_vatta Error during fork, Out of IPC semaphores for thread synchroniza
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database MaxDB is used
KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , How To
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