- While delivery is created from a purchase order the following error message is written in the error log:
You cannot copy serial numbers from purchase order &, item &
Message no. VL745 - It is not possible to add serial number to the item until the batch/valuation type is not added. If you try to add serial number without batch/valuation type the error message VL427 will occur.
- Sales And Distribution (SD)
- Logistics Execution (LE)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP Enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
VL745, serial number, batch, valuation type. VL427, SHP_IBDLV_CONFIRM_DECENTRAL IDOC, "Serialnummernpflege nur möglich, wenn eine Charge/ angegeben ist", "Serial no. maintenance only possible if you specify a batch/val. type","Gestion des No de série uniquement possible si un lot est spécifié", "Aggiorn. del n. di serie possibile solo se specificata partita/valorizz.","Verzorgen serienummers kan alleen na opgave van een charge/waard.soort", "Atualização nºs série só possível se há indicação de um lote/tipo mov.", "Sólo es posible actualizar números de serie si se indica un lote/cl.mvto", ECC. , KBA , LE-SHP-DL-LA , Inbound Delivery , How To
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