You want to print an ADS form via SAPPDFPRINT on a printer with a SAPWIN device type as described in SAP Note #1444342.
In report RSPO0022 the correct mapping SAPWIN to acrobat6.xdc was made.
Instead of the expected PDF an invalid data stream like below is printed.
The problem can be the same also with different SAPWIN device types like SWIN, SWINCF, or I2SWIN.
*Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.*
- SAP NetWeaver, until SAP_BASIS 720/03 (SAPKB72003)
PDFPRINT, %SAPWIN , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , BC-SRV-FP , Forms Processing , Problem
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