- There is a dashboard that includes Web Services that are based on Webi report blocks.
- The dashboard is launched successfully from BI Launchpad.
- The dashboard is closed and the user logs out from BI Launchpad.
- When the dashboard is attempted to be viewed again, an error that states "Cannot Access External Data - An error occurred while retrieving the document from the storage token. (Error = RWI 00313)" is shown.
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform 4.0 - SP06.
- Tomcat 6 Application Server.
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
bug, defect, ADAPT, 1699386, 01699386, TE5050133418, 5050133418, dash board, boards, RWI 00313, RWI00313, storagetoken, storagetokens, caching, QAAWS, BIWS, Web Intelligence, DAAWS, cache, java lang null pointer exception, qaaws closedocument,RWI 00313, 00313, ADAPT01699386, ADAPT01699387, ADAPT01707689, ADAPT01707690, ADAPT01707691, ADAPT01707692, ADAPT01707693, ADAPT01710224 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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