- Attempt to edit the query of Web Intelligence Reports based on translated Universe and an error is received:
- The current query contains objects that can not be resolved. (WIJ 2004)
- Open a WebI document in the Java Report Panel (Advanced WebI Editor) or WebI Rich Client and then attempt to modify the query and the error is received
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- Web Intelligence
- Translation Manager (UTM)
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
WebI WebIntelligence Web Intelligence error exception WIJ2004 WIJ 2004 edit modify query panel object dimension translation language lang locale preference change modification resolved resolution name trans unable cannot will not can't does fail failure ADAPT01696952 ADAPT1696952 ADAPT 01696952 1696952 , KBA , BI-BIP-TMT , Translation management tool , Problem
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