SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1880767 - Progress bar dismisses shortly when publish dashboards to the repository


  • When saving the Dashboards Design object to the repository, the progress bar gets dismiss and freezes.


  • Dashboard Design 4.0 SP2 Fix Pack 2.21
  • Live office 4.0 SP2 Fix Pack 2.21
  • Microsoft Office 2010

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open the migrated XLF in Dashboards Design having multiple Live office connection.
  2. Save to platform as a dashboards design object.
  3. The 'generate SWF' message shows up and later it gets dismissed. Dashboard freezes.
  4. Approximately after 20 minutes it shows "could not generate the swf file...."


This issue has been logged as bug ADAPT01664714


This issue was rejected by Product team stating the complexity in design of dashboards.

Workaround :

Read SAP Note-1747458 - Dashboards Design hangs after dashboards are published to BI Platform.

Also, disable the setting of "Enable Load Cursor" and "Disable Mouse Input on Load" from usage tab for each connection from Data->Connection.

See Also



Live office, Xcelsius, Dashboard freezes , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Bug Filed


SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards 4.0