SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1880839 - Error Message: Last Name Missing, during the Simulate Import Stage of Migration of Employee Data


Error Message Last Name Missing in the Simulate Import stage during Migration of Basic Employee Data.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business Configuration work center.
  2. Go to Overview view.
  3. Find Activity Migration of Employee Data - <Country>.
  4. Hyperlink: Migrate basic employee data using the migration tool.
  5. Upload the populated migration template.
  6. Select Execute Migration button.
  7. Choose to Execute Migration Step by Step.
  8. Subsequently go to the Simulate Import stage after data validation and completing necessary value conversions.


The Last Name field cannot be marked as mandatory in the migration template for Basic Employee Data as this is mandated only by some countries, not all. For employees from countries like US, Germany, the field is mandatory, whereas countries like Mexico don't make it mandatory to have the Employee's Last Name on the organizational records.


In case the migration tool is to throw such an error, kindly maintain a Last Name for all the employees and re-trigger the migration.


KBA , last name missing , migration of basic employee data , simulate import , SRD-CC-MIG-CNT , Migration: Content , How To


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