- Execution of rs_subcmp utility returns error:
rs_subcmp -S src_ase -s target_ase -U sa -P pwd -u sa -p pwd -D src_db -d target_db -V -x1 -X-Am
Executing ddlgen on source object to extract schema definitions:
Executing ddlgen on target object to extract schema definitions:
Begin parse and compare schema objects
Parse schema file failed. [c/subcmp.c(8964)]
...No Sybase library information is available.
Initialization failed. [c/subcmp.c(278)]
- Replication Server version is 15.6 ESD 3, EBF 20157, on Linux
- SAP Replication Server (RS) 15.6 EBF 20157 ESD#3 for Linux AMD64
- SAP Subscription Comparator 15.6 EBF 20157 ESD#3 for Linux AMD64
Sybase Replication Server 15.6
CR742493, 742493 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Bug Filed
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