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1884285 - AS Java not starting due to Configuration Manager


The AS Java fails to start, and the following traces contain the relevant log fragments:


Loading: ConfigurationManager returned false!
Kernel not loaded. System halted.


[Thr 88848] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Initial (0)] to [Waiting for start (1)]
[Thr 88848] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Waiting for start (1)] to [Starting (2)]
[Thr 88848] JLaunchISetState: change state from [Starting (2)] to [Stopped (6)]

defaultTrace.X.trc Error occurred: Secure Store lib Dir does not exist C:/usr/sap/XXX/SYS/global/security/lib\\engine



SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java


SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 2 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0 ; SAP enhancement package 3 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0


exitcode = 0, rc = 0, exit, code, returncode, return, code, 0, crash, startup, stop, MSCS, secstore, path, core, service, start, starting, user, permission, configtool, config tool, instance, server, managers, configurationmanager, secstorefs, sapmnt, OS, operating, system, sapservice, directory , KBA , BC-JAS-SF , Startup Framework , Problem

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