During a deployment phase, in an Upgrade or Update of the system, you can see the error below in the related traces:
[Thread[main,5,main]]: Detailed message: 1. [ERROR CODE DPL.DBC.504]
TheDB Schema container cannot get lock from Enqueue Server for deployment of archive <sda file>.
-> Cannot lock at least one of the 1 locks for the owner I2013021109271070100000hawker-z3.................155083150; it is used by the same owner.
The trace names could vary, as each phase of an Upgrade/Update operation has its own name, for example: DEPLOY_ONLINE_DB_DOD_XX.LOG, etc.
You can also find references in the defaultTrace.X.trc file from the AS Java and in the deploy_api.X.log.
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
DC, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, ehp, sp, sync, synchronization, j2ee, configtool, config, tool, tc~bl~deploy_controller, deploy_controller, deploy_threads, deploy, threads, cluster, services, enqueue, server, The DB Schema container cannot get lock from Enqueue Server, Cannot lock at least one of the 1 locks for the owner, cannot lock the database, Retry, when there is no system activity, EP-RUNTIME aborted, , KBA , BC-JAS-DPL , Deployment , Problem
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