- No actual cost component split from Material Ledger accumulation run (AVR) is transferred to CO-PA
- You are using transaction KE27 and want to transfer the actual cost component split from Material Ledger accumulation run (AVR) to CO-PA. The system gets the error MLCCS033:
- Material Ledger active
- Alternative accumulation run is used
MLCCS 033 CKMLCPAVR AVR COGM initial period previous run relevant costing account modification accounting principle provisional price alternative valuation BADI CKMLAVR_SIM cumulate data cumulation periods determine delta postings CO-PC-ACT Actual Costing Material Ledger ML error MLCCS031 031 , KBA , CO-PC-ACT , Actual Costing , CO-PA , Profitability Analysis , CO-PC-ACT-AVR , alternative valuation run , Problem
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