- There are several area specific reports available to monitor SPL state of Business Partners depending on Partner Function assigned.
- Uncertain when to use which one of the SPL screening reports or transactions.
- Wondering about why data displayed differ from expected ones.
- Following lists will name available Transactions and Reports as well as their description and usage:
- Blocked Business Partners Lists
Name Report Usage for Partnerrole assigned to
that SPLAM in /SAPSLL/V_TPABP/SAPSLL/SPL_BLBP Blocked Business Partners (General) /SAPSLL/SPL_BLOCKED_PARTNERS all (A0, B0, B1, C0) /SAPSLL/SPL_BLBPFI Blocked Business Partners (Financial Accounting) /SAPSLL/SPL_BLOCKED_PARTNERSFI C0 /SAPSLL/SPL_BLBPHR Blocked Employees /SAPSLL/SPL_BLOCKED_PARTNERSHR B0 /SAPSLL/SPL_BLBPHRA Blocked Applicants /SAPSLL/SPL_BLOCKED_PARTNERSHA B1 /SAPSLL/SPL_BLBPLO Blocked Business Partners (Logistics) /SAPSLL/SPL_BLOCKED_PARTNERSLO A0 - Positive List Business Partners
Name Report Usage for Partnerrole assigned to
that SPLAM in /SAPSLL/V_TPABP/SAPSLL/SPL_POSBP Business Partners on the Positive List (General) /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_POS_LIST all (A0, B0, B1, C0) /SAPSLL/SPL_POSBPFI Business Partners on the Positive List (Financial Accounting) /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_POS_LIST_FI C0 /SAPSLL/SPL_POSBPHR Persons (Employees) on the Positive List /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_POS_LIST_HR B0 /SAPSLL/SPL_POSBPHRA Applicants on the Positive List /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_POS_LIST_HRA B1 /SAPSLL/SPL_POSBPLO Blocked Business Partners (Logistics) on the Positive List /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_POS_LIST_LO A0
- Negative List Business Partners
Name Report Usage for Partnerrole assigned to
that SPLAM in /SAPSLL/V_TPABP/SAPSLL/SPL_NEGBP Business Partners on the Negative List (General) /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_NEG_LIST all (A0, B0, B1, C0) /SAPSLL/SPL_NEGBPFI Business Partners on the Negative List (Financial Accounting) /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_NEG_LIST_FI C0 /SAPSLL/SPL_NEGBPHR Persons (Employees) on the Negative List /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_NEG_LIST_HR B0 /SAPSLL/SPL_NEGBPHRA Applicants on the Negative List /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_NEG_LIST_HRA B1 /SAPSLL/SPL_NEGBPLO Blocked Business Partners (Logistics) on the Negative List /SAPSLL/SPL_DISP_NEG_LIST_LO C0
- Global Trade Services (GTS)
- Global Trade Services / Logistics Services (SLL)
- SAP Global Trade Services
SAP Global Trade Services all versions
/SAPSLL/SPLAM, Geschäftspartner auf Ebene Geschäftspartnerrollen aktivieren, Keine Daten angezeigt, No data displayed, positive Liste , KBA , SLL-LEG-CON-SPL , Sanctioned Party List Screening , SLL-LEG , Global Trade Services GTS , Problem
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