SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1886107 - Dynamic Parameters do not show up in viewer parameter collection after upgrading to CRSE 2011


After upgrading to CRSE (Crystal Reports Server Embedded) 2011 from Crystal Reports Server Embedded 2008, parameters that are added through code (RCAPI) do not show up in the viewer parameter collection.


  •  Crystal Reports Server Embedded 2011


This is caused by a change from CRSE 2008 to CRSE 2011 in how dynamically added parameters are handled.


To resolve this issue, the method:


needs to be called after the parameter is created (The parameterFieldController.add(MyParam) method), and again after the parameter is added to the report (Whether by being placed on the report or by being added to the recordselection formula).

These changes will cause the parameter to show up correctly in the CrystalReportViewer parameter collection.


RAS, ParameterFieldController, refreshReportDocument, recordselectionformula, CRSE, Standalone, dynamic , KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports Server 2011, OEM edition