A user is working any web applications on IE. When the user leaves it open without any actions for a while (e.g. 20 mins over), then the next action changes the current page to a white page. HTTPWatch trace shows ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATE.
This user's session is carried on with website's security certificate error. HTTPWatch shows INET_E_INVALID_CERTIFICATE.
In worst scenario, the user's session still exists on the backend side, which may lock a table. As a result , the user may not be able to update the same in another session. Then, company's administrator manually kill the session. Or the user needs to wait for timeout.
This symptom occurs if idle time is over 20 mins (in most cases). It doesn't occur only few minutes of idle time.
- IE (release 7 or higher) --> Backend ICM
- IE (release 7 or higher) --> WebDispatcher --> Backend ICMs
- WebDynpro application
- Website security certificate error on the browser side.
- The issue does not show up with other broswers.
Internet Explorer, IE, white page, blank page, white screen, TLS, ERROR_INTERNET_INCORRECT_HANDLE_STATE, INET_E_INVALID_CERTIFICATE, SSL certificate , KBA , BC-OP-NT , Windows , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-SEC-SSL , Secure Sockets Layer Protocol , How To
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