- Abnormally high memory usage or RWI 00236 and WIS 30280 errors occur when working with complex Web Intelligence reports
Receiving error message while scheduling or saving a WebI report as MS Excel or Adobe PDF format:
The Web Intelligence server cannot be reached. Contact your Business Objects administrator. (Error: RWI 00236)
Out of memory errors occur while viewing, editing or exporting WebI documents:
- The Web Intelligence server memory is full. Please log off and re-connect later. (WIS 30280)
- WebI hangs and throws (Error: INF )
- WebI Rich Client or WebI Processing Server logs show the following entry:
- <ERROR COMPONENT="WIS" ERRORCODE="30280" ERRORTYPE="USER" MESSAGE="The Web Intelligence server memory is full. Please log off and try to connect later. If the problem persists, contact your Business Objects administrator. (WIS 30280)" PREFIX="ERR">
<DEBUGINFO BORESULT="34" FILENAME="kc3allocator.cpp" LINEPOSITION="2531" MODULENAME="c3_alloc"/> - WebI Processing Server may show as stuck in "Starting..." in CMC or CCM and needs to be restarted in Windows
- WebI Processing Server may crash and produce core files on Unix servers
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.0
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence 4.1
- Web Intelligence
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
WebI WebIntelligence Web Intelligence high memory usage utilization increases continuously grows consumption crash core coredump file quits running stops error exception WIS30280 WIS 30280 RWI 00236 RWI00236 out of stuck starting start hung hangs continues export migrate upgrade save as to xls xlsx pdf edit modify change complex big large huge unable cannot can't ADAPT01699789 ADAPT1699789 ADAPT 01699789 1699789 TE: 5050141373 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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