In SAP Data Services 4.1 SP1, the following scenario occurs:
- SAP authorization in SAP system is installed.
- In the SAP Application data store, "Execute in Backgroud" is set.
- A job fails with the following error: R3C-151001 | Error calling RFC function to get table data: <RFC_ABAP_MESSAGE, SY-MSGTY: E, SY-MSGID: S#, SY-MSGNO: 047)- Processing terminated.
Note: This issue only occurs when you enable the job in "Execute in Background" mode.
SAP Data Services 4.1 SP1
SAP Data Services 4.0 ; SAP Data Services 4.1 ; SAP Data Services 4.2
BODI, BODS, DSXI, DI, DS, SAP Applications, R3C-151001, execute in background, authorization , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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