You have de-scoped the Trip Request Approval process but system is still requiring the trip approval. You would like know if any additional configuration required to implement revised workflow.
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go to the Business Configuration Work Center.
2. Select the Project Scope, you would like to change & press Edit button.
3. Navigate till step 4 Questions.
4. Under Scoping Element Travel and Expenses open Travel Planning & then Trip Request.
5. Open the Question Set up Approval process for Trip Requests? & uncheck from scope.
Now create a Trip Request again & you will observe that trip is still requiring an approval.
From SAP Cloud for Travel version 1305 de-scoping question will not switch the Trip Approval process any more and configuration can be changed only via Multi Step Approval (MSA) process setup in Application & User Management work center.
In addition from version 1308, Question: Set up Approval process for Trip Requests? have been removed and changes are possible only via MSA.
You can update the existing Trip Request Approval process as per steps below.
1. Go to the Application & User Management Work Center.
2. Go to the Task Distribution view & press Approval Processes link.
3. You will get default approval process of Trip Request .
4. Select the process & press Copy button.
5. Enter the new Process Name ABC , maintain the Work Distribution as No Approver & check Automatic approval option.
Once new process ABC is created & available in draft mode, you need to change the validity..
6. Select the new process ABC and press Edit Validity.
7. You will get the existing Active process and newly created process.
8. In the Old process remove the Unlimited Validity check box and update Validity To date.
9. In the new process update the Valid From Date (similar to the Validity To date of old process) and select Unlimited Validity.
Now once the defined start date/time will come, new process ABC will become enabled automatically & new Trip Request will get automatically approved.
KBA , LOD-TEM-ADM , Travel Administration , How To