SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1890494 - Why Error 'It is not allowed to submit Expenses older than 60 days' Occurs when Submitting Expense Report and How to Change Expense Report Submission Deadline


When submitting an expense report, you may encounter the error It is not allowed to submit Expenses older than 60 days. You wonder how to change expense report submission deadline, such as from 60 days to 90 days.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open a Not Submitted expense report.
  2. Select the Submit button.
  3. In the popup choose the Submit button.
  4. System may show the error It is not allowed to submit Expenses older than 60 days.


In some countries it is a legal requirement to claim expenses within the deadline after the expense was paid or incurred. For example, you have a Hotel receipt for a business trip. In the expense report you enter this expense with expense date May 31. Then you have to submit this expense within 60 days, i.e. not later than July 30. 


You can change Expense Report Submission Deadline as follows:

  1. Go to the Auditing work center.
  2. Select the Company Settings view.
  3. Select a company then choose Actions | Set Expense Report Submission Dealine.
  4. In the popup change the value of Days After Trip End and choose the Save.

See Also

Refer to help document Managing Auditing Tasks, task Setting Submission Deadlines for Expense Reports.


KBA , expense report , LOD-TEM-ER-EXP , Expense Report Silverlight Client , How To


SAP Cloud for Travel and Expense 1705