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1891114 - SWPM/SAPinst finished with return code 100


SWPM fails during execution. In sapinst_dev.log, it is possible to see a WARNING similar to the one below:

WARNING <timestamp>
Execution of the command "/bin/csh -c "source /home/<sapsid>adm/.cshrc; env"" finished with return code 100. Output:

Further in sapinst_dev.log is registered a specific ERROR, derivated from the issue above.



  • Software Provisioning Manager (SWPM) / SAPinst;
  • Operational system Unix-based;
  • Database independent;


SAP NetWeaver all versions


SAPinst, SWPM, error, fail, fails, execution, stuck, stop, crash, sapinst_dev.log, sapinst.log, root, sudo, SIDadm, Switch, Cshrc, Environment, Limits, installation, migration, system copy, refresh, warning, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, RHEL6, RHEL 6, finished with return code 100, exits with error code 100 , KBA , BC-INS-UNX , Installation Unix , BC-INS , Installation Tools (SAP Note 1669327) , BC-INS-DSS , Dual-Stack Split Tool , BC-INS-FWK , sapinst, slcb, elmbridge, elm replication service , BC-INS-JCI , Java component inst. / jload jmigmon, jsizecheck , BC-INS-SRN , System Rename Utility , Problem

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