SAP system is not starting . Disp+work process shows gray with stopped status in SAPMMC. Work process is died.
1. Below error can be found in dev_disp and dev_w* traces:
M ***LOG Q0I=> NiPConnect2: connect (10061:WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused) [nixxi.cpp 3286]
M *** ERROR => NiPConnect2: SiPeekPendConn failed for hdl 1/sock 1396 (SI_ECONN_REFUSE/10061; I4; ST; [nixxi.cpp 3286]
M *** ERROR => IcmConnect: NiConnect to localhost:64998,-1 (rc=-10) [icxxext.c 182]
M *** ERROR => ThPlgConnectToIcm: IcmConnect failed (-10) [thxxplg.c 5137]
Dev_icm trace shows :
IcmInit: listening to admin port: 64998
Work processes in local host cannot connect to ICM via ICM admin port 64998.
Here port 64998 can be any ports from 65000 downwards.
Error code of "10061:WSAECONNREFUSED: Connection refused" is from Windows platform and is platform-depended.
2. There is another chance that below errors logged in dev_w* traces when local ICM is not connected and work process died after this error :
M ***LOG Q0I=> NiPGetHostByName: hostname 'localhost' not found:
gethostbyname (11004: WSANO_DATA: Valid name, no data record of requested type) [ninti.c 320]
M *** ERROR => IcmConnect: NiConnect to localhost:65000,-1 (rc=-2) [icxxext.c 179]
M *** ERROR => ThPlgConnectToIcm: IcmConnect failed (-2) [thxxplg.c
In dev_disp trace, there is error like as below :
*** ERROR => DpWPCheck: W0 (pid 6780) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxdisp.c 15884]
*** ERROR => DpWPCheck: W2 (pid 6744) died (severity=0, status=0) [dpxxdisp.c 15884]
ICM, stop, port, IcmConnect failed, no more work processe, Connection refused, hostname not found, localhost, ICM admin port , KBA , BC-CST-IC , Internet Communication Manager , BC-NET , Formerly used for network tests , Problem
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