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1891572 - EPM-SA SPM Data Model and Tables


Spend Performance Management Extractors and Data Model.

This KBA is a compilation of useful pieces of information regarding SPM extractors and the Data Model. 

Some of the terms used in SAP Spend Performance Management Extractors:
Table & Table relationship
Key relationship
Primary Table



The first place to check for information about SPM Extractors will be Note 1239883 - Extractor Starter Kit for Spend Performance Management(SPM). The extractor starter kit is available to all customers to guide them in installing, configuring and running the SPM extractors. The extractors provide a template to help the customers transport metadata from one system to other (Dev - QA - Production). All the generated objects like programs, structures, Function Modules and Data Sources need to be generated separately in each of the target system based on the transported metadata using the transactions provided. 

Transaction Z_SA_DEPD will show SAP delivered projects ERP and ERPC in case of releases 4.7 onwards.
ERPC project is only relevant when data enrichment services are not used. Copy the project ERP to a new name. This is done in order to separate SAP delivered code from any customer modification. All further actions should be done on the copied project. This is the recommended best practice.

List of SPM Extractors provided within the Starter Kit:

Budgets Costs Budget Data
Buyer Buyer
Buyingorg Buying Organisation (Purch. Org)
Category Obsolete : will be deleted
Contract Contract
Costcenter Cost Center
GLAccount General Ledger Account
IVBSAK Invoices cleared items
IVBSIK Invoices non-cleared items
LCategory Category Material Group
LSupplier Supplier Vendor Master
MgmtOrg Management Organisation
PO Purchase Order
Product Product Material Master
SAgreement Scheduling Agreement
Site Site Plant
Sline Delivery Schedule Line
StdPrice Standard Price of Product
Supplier Obsolete : will be deleted
TCurf Currency Conversion Factors
TCurr Currencies
TCurv Exchange Rate Types
UOM Units of Measurements

Run transaction z_sa_extr to select and run the extractor for a chosen object. The extracted data file will be available in the directory that is configured

Table ZSA_FFCUSTTABL contains following fields:
Project –Project for which this setting is valid. Can use * if the setting should be used for all projects.
Object -Object for which this setting is valid. Can use * if the setting should be used for all Objects.
File Path –The directory path where the files will be stored
File Name –Name of the generated file. Leave it blank if * was used for Project or Object
Package Size
Escape Character

Transaction AL11 can be used to browse the directory where the extracted files are placed (specified in Global settings).

Table ZSA_D_FLDVAL = Exclusion table : This table is used to exclude certain records from extraction based on certain values for any of the extracted fields. Execute transaction SM30 and view ZSA_D_FLDVAL.

Table ZSA_GLSPLIT - Spend amount can be distributed to different groups like Tax, Freight and Special Charges based on GL accounts which belongs to these groups. Execute transaction SM30 and view ZSA_GLSPLIT.


SAP BusinessObjects Spend Performance Management 2.1 ; SAP Spend Performance Management 3.0


jmhiv, epm-sa, spm, spend performance management, order to load data, data loading order, data flow, dataflow, EPM, SAP SA, SAP SPEND PERFORMANCE MGMT, SAP Spend Performance Management, SAP Spend Analytics, SPM, EPM-SA, SAP BOBJ SPEND PERF MGMT, jmhiv2016e, SAP BusinessObjects Spend Performance Management , KBA , EPM-SA , Spend Analytics , Problem

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