- Unable to view script (SQL) in Web Intelligence report when multiple query contexts, the context selection dialogue box continues to pop-up
- After selecting the context, it pops up again to select the context instead of showing the view script/run the query
- In view mode, after selecting the context WebI throws an error message:
- Cannot build the query or generate the report. (WIS 30351)
- Business Intelligence Platform 4
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise
- Web Intelligence
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.1
ADAPT01701688, context, view script, WIS 30351, sql, webi, WebIntelligence, Web Intelligence, WIS30351, error, repeated, popup, pops up, dialog, dialogue box, window, asks, requests, select, ADAPT1701688, ADAPT 01701688, 1701688, TE5050147792, ADAPT01701689, ADAPT01710710, ADAPT01711416, ADAPT01711417, ADAPT01711418, ADAPT01711419, ADAPT01713087, ADAPT01713088 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI-DSL , Obsolete, use : BI-RA-WBI-BE-DP , Bug Filed
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