.NET crystal report web application doesn't show leading zero of crystal report
- Visual studio 2008
- Windows 2008 server
Reproducing the Issue
- Build a simple .NET crystal report web application to display a crystal report using crystalReportViewer control
- Deploy the web application to Internet Information Services (IIS)
- Visit the web application using internet explorer and check the leading zero of crystal report's data
- Server OS is configured to not display leading zero
- IIS Manager's application pools is not running under corresponding account
- Login server OS using administrator's account
- Go to control panel at Server OS
- Go to Region and Language > click Additional settings > go to Numbers tab > check setting of Display leading zeros > change the setting to show leading zero
- Go to Internet Information Services(IIS) Manger > Basic Settings > check the name of Application pool
- Go to Internet Information Services(IIS) Manger > Application Pools > select the Application pool > Advanced Settings > Identity > change it from ApplicationPoolIdentity to customer account > input administrator's account information
- Restart server in Internet Information Services(IIS) Manger
.net, crystal report viewer, leading zero, zero before decimal point, data format , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , How To
Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio ; SAP Crystal Reports, version for Visual Studio .NET 2008