You have completely received your purchase order. However, you would like to receive more quantities of the product from the same purchase order.
SAP Business ByDesign
If you would like to receive quantities for a purchase order whose delivery is completed, the system will allow you to do so, provided the line items have their process type To-Stock.
- Go to the Inbound Logistics work center.
- Navigate to the view Purchase Orders, search for the relevant purchase order, select it and choose the New Supplier Delivery Notification button or the Post Goods Receipt button depending on your business requirement.
- You will be able to receive goods by processing the put-away tasks created from the delivery notification or by the Post Goods Receipt button available.
This option is available for 3PL purchase orders also. You can perform the above steps in the view 3PL Inbound: Purchase Orders under the work center Third-Party Logistics.
New inbound delivery for purchase order with status completed. , KBA , purchase order completed , AP-IDP , Inbound Delivery Processing , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , How To