Getting the following errors when using the bulk loader option on Sybase IQ 12.7 target table:
- DBS-070404" Loader <target_table_name> SQL submitted to ODBC data source <datastore_name> resulted in error <[Sybase][ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server IQ]Table 'sysuser' not found>. The SQL submitted is <select a.user_name from sysuser a , sysuserauthority b where a.user_id = b.user_id and b.auth = 'DBA'>."
- RUN-051029: <Data flow_name>|Loader_name| The option OPTION ALLOW_READ_CLIENT_FILE on the Sybase IQ server is currently set to OFF. The option must be set to ON in order to execute bulk-loading jobs. Contact a Sybase IQ administrator to set this option for user <dbo>.
- SAP Data Services 4.1
- Sybase IQ 12.7
SAP Data Services 4.1
DI , DSXI , DS XI , BODI , BODS, 01699835, 1699835
, KBA , EIM-DS-CON , Connectivity , Bug Filed
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