The ABAP objects on an SAP system are delivered with their standard version after an upgrade or support package import. However, these objects may be modified posteriorly. There are two main ways an object can be modified by:
- Notes implementation: some notes contain correction instructions that can be implemented by transaction SNOTE. They change objects delivered on the standard version of the system in order to correct errors and improve functionalities. This type of modification is supported by SAP.
- Manual modifications: some customers modify standard objects manually in order to customize the code. This type of modification is not supported by SAP. If a standard SAP object was manually modified, it is up to customers maintain and adjust it. It is recommend that customers keep the standard code.
SAP NetWeaver
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Modification, Change, Object, ABAP, Code, Coding, Version, ACTIV, MODIF, 00001, Note, Manual, Correction Instruction, TR , KBA , BC-DWB-UTL , Workbench Utilities , BC-DWB-CEX-MA , Modification Assistant , How To
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