PO History / Change documents / Change Log entries are not created / updated in Purchase Requisition (PR) when it is changed from the linked Purchase Order (from which the PR details are provided).
For example: Setting the 'Preq Closed' flag on the Delivery schedule tab of a Purchase Order (PO) in ME21N / ME22N does not generate a change log item in the Purchase Requistion (PR) linked to the PO:
This sets the Closed Indicator (EBAN-EBAKZ) in the purchase requisition, but you notice that the system did not create additional entries in the change log of the linked purchase requisition for this update.
If you update the flag in ME52N (directly within the PR), entries are created in the change log (tables CDHDR and CDPOS) and is visible within the PR itself.
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Change log, C_CHANGEDOC_FOR_REQ, EXIT_SAPMM06E_020, REQ_CLOSED, EBAN-EBAKZ , Preq. closed , Banf erledigt , Änderungsprotokoll, ME51N , FRGZU , KBA , MM-PUR-REQ , Purchase Requisitions , MM-PUR-PO , Purchase Orders , How To
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