While uploading a data file the following error message occurs: Only files created in Mass Data Maintenance supported.
Reproducing the Issue
We will use Import Customers as example.
- Go to the Mass Data Maintenance work center.
- Click the Link hyperlink of the field Import Customers, found under the Update Data From Local File section.
- Click the Browse button of the Source File field and select the file XYZ (XYZ represents the name of the file).
- Click the Upload button.
- While uploading the file XYZ, the following error message occurs: Only files created in Mass Data Maintenance supported.
Cause 1: The file XYZ was not downloaded from the Mass Data Maintenance work center.
Cause 2: The format of the file XYZ was changed from one release of the system to another.
For example the file was downloaded while your system was on release 1302 and you are uploading the file now while your system is on release 1305.
This is expected system behaviour.
Resolution for cause 1:
You must download the file XYZ from the Mass Data Maintenance work center in order to be able to upload it in the same work center.
To download the file XYZ you can use the following steps:
- Go to the Mass Data Maintenance work center.
- Click the Link hyperlink of the field Export Customers, found under the Export Data To Local File section.
- Click the Go button.
- All Customers are displayed in the result list.
- Click the Export Data to CSV File button.
- Customers are exported to a local CSV file.
Resolution for cause 2:
You must maintain the suffix _SAP_INTERNAL in the first field of the header line, in the file XYZ.
To maintain the suffix you can follow the steps below:
- Open the file XYZ.
- Select the first field of the header line.
- Enter the suffix _SAP_INTERNAL .
- Save your changes.
You can now upload the file and the error message does not occur anymore.
KBA , only files created in mdm , mass data maintenance , SRD-CC-MIG-DMC , Migration: Tool , How To