The AS Java enters the startup phase, but cannot reach the final running state due to one or more slow applications. And after 30 minutes the AS Java restarts itself, preventing you to install a new license.
In the traces you see:
- the std_serverX files:
The installed license is NOT valid. The system will shutdown in 30 minutes.
- the dev_serverX files show the "Starting apps" phase for a long time, without reaching "Running" state (you can also check it through the SAP MMC):
F [Thr 02] *** LOG => State changed from 2 (Starting framework) to 10 (Starting apps).
- the dev_serverX files shows:
ERROR => Java node 'server0' terminated with exit code -11111.
- the defaultTrace_XX.X.trc files shows:
The installed license for software product "J2EE-Engine_ORA"
is NOT valid. The concerned component may only run with
restricted functionality. In case of "J2EE-Engine" the
system will shut down.
- the dev_jstart file shows:
*** LOG => Instance state is "No valid license found" (STOPPED @ 0, INACTIVE).
SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
license, expired, NWA, crash, restart, invalid, long, start up, startup, temporary, permanent, filter, log, trace, config tool, template, never, keeps, restarting, 30 min, 30min, SfCJavaVm, exit, hook, is, called , KBA , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , XX-SER-LIKEY , License keys for SAP systems , Problem
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