During upgrade or fresh installation of system, the post processing phase MAIN_POSTP/SQLDB_TRUNCATE_DDXTF is stuck.
Tool is trying to truncate the table DDXTF.
TPSQLSTD.OUT shows the following error message:
EXECUTING ../exe/tp (tp) pf=../abap/var/DEFAULT.TPP execdbscript <SID>
This is tp version XXX.XX.XX (release XXX, unicode enabled)
Warning: Parameter R3_DB2_SSID is no longer used.
2EETP000 sap_dext called with msgnr "1":
2EETP000 db call info
2EETP000 function: db_ntab
2EETP000 tabname: TADIR
2EETP000 len (char): 5
2EETP000 key: TADIR
2EETP000 retcode: 1
2EETP000 sql error: -99999 [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0115E Invalid cursor
state. SQLSTATE=24000
1AETP000 exit in function texitnow
ERROR: EXIT(16) -> process ID is: XXXXXXXX
tp returncode summary:
TOOLS: Highest return code of single steps was: 16
ERRORS: Highest tp internal error was: 0200
tp finished with return code: 200
ERROR: see tp's stdout (Standard Out may not be available)
System with DB2 V9 or V10
SQLDB_TRUNCATE_DDXTF, DDXTF, CLI0115E, -99999, SQLDBSCRIPT.TQL, Invalid cursor, TPSQLSTD.OUT, -910, post, phase, , KBA , BC-DB-DB2 , DB2 for z/OS , How To
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