When viewing Adaptive Job server properties page in CMC, java.lang.nullpointerexception is shown instead of the properties.
When creating new AJS receiving ; The edge between objects 57245 and 864 does not exist
- SAP Crystal Reports Server 2011 SP06
- Windows
Reproducing the Issue
- Install or Upgrade SAP CR Server 2011 to SP06
- Login into CMC, go to servers and view properties of the AJS - see error 1
- Try to create new AJS - see error 2
All install logs provided no clue to the issue. By looking closer at second error message "edge between objects 58730 and 864 does not exist" we identified that SI_ID=58730 is serverintelligence install dfo, and the SI_ID=864 is 'WebIJavaSchedulingService'.
Webi processing doesn't exist in the CRS 2011 install, it is unknown at this point how 'WebIJavaSchedulingService' made it in.
To resolve this issue create new Adaptive Job Server by following steps below :
- In CMC>Servers select New Server
- From drop down list select Crystal Reports Services and then Crystal Reports 2011 Scheduling Service, click Next
- Add all services available under "Available Additional Services" except Web Intelligence Scheduling Service. Click Next
- Give appropriate name to your new server and click Create.
The error no longer shown. New AJS is operating correctly.
Note: It is also possible, but was not tested that editing existing/default AJS and removing Web Intelligence Scheduling Service might have also fixed the problem.
edge, between, objects, nullpointer, ajs, crystal , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem