You have received from SAP the full C-CEE download authorization. You can see and download C-CEE files from SAPSMP(/swdc). You have already installed ECC6 with EhP5 or EhP6. When you are trying to install SAP CORE CEE 110_604 add-on, it means when you are trying to install the installation package SAPK-604AGINCCEE you are getting an error "OCS package SAPK-604AGINCCEE does not match the current software component vector". There occurs an error "OCS package SAPK-604AGINCCEE does not match the current software component vector" when you are trying to install SAP CORE CEE 110_604 add-on.
- ECC6 EhP5
- ECC6 EhP6
- C-CEE release 110_604
OCS package SAPK-604AGINCCEE, C-CEE 110_604 add-on installation, note 1260936, ACP, Attribute Change Package, Note 1119856, EhP5, EhP6, SAP CORE CEE 110_604 , KBA , XX-CSC-HR-FI , use FI-LOC-FI-HR , BC-UPG-ADDON , Upgrade Add-On Components , FI-LOC-FI-HR , Croatia , Problem
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