In the "Projected Cash - 3 days" positions screen, when there are settled netting transactions, ProjectedCash 3 days shows incorrect positions. AUD DEFAULT Channel and Channel ANZ MEL shows a position that is incorrect.
Settlement transactions for netted positions is not updating ProjectedCash 3 Days. You must add amount from default Channel to actual settlement Channel, in this case ANZ MEL.
Manual Transfer Sweeps give you the same incorrect picture.
Could this be an error in the LMS-design or is it something in default configuration that could correct this problem?
LMS CFM PFC 6.1 on Sun SPARCSun Solaris SPARC
- LMS Version = cfm pfc cmm 6.1.0 (r5188) build 20110708-053901
- AleriOpenAdaptor Version = lms-2.17.14 (r5188)
- Streaming Platform Version = 3.2 (r28104)
Liquidity Management Suite LMS Aleri LMS screens , KBA , BC-SYB-LMS , Please use component FS-LMS , Problem
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