When working with transport requests or when applying Support Packages, you get a message saying that the system could not access a file as supposed. If you have a look at the SLOG file, you could find a message similar to one of these:
- HALT <year><month><day><hour><minute><second>
ERROR: <file_name> : cant open : Permission denied
- HALT <year><month><day><hour><minute><second>
ERROR: <file_name> : cant close
Invalid argument
For example, if the incidence takes place when releasing a transport request, the file that cannot be accessed will be the cofile of the transport request (and the datafile that should be created during the export won't be created because the export does not finish).
No EXIT for this critical moment!, could not access file as supposed, cannot, AV, export, lock, red, cant open, permission denied , KBA , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , Problem
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