- After adding new raw devices as DBFILES in IQ, IQ incorrectly determines the size of some raw devices, which can cause errors such as:
I. 03/21 08:24:59. 0000000000 Exception Thrown from hos_bio.cxx:697, Err# 11, tid 806 origtid 806
I. 03/21 08:24:59. 0000000000 O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 518 (hos_bioexception); SQLCode: -1006070, SQLState: 'QBA70', Severity: 14
I. 03/21 08:24:59. 0000000000 Exception Thrown from hos_bio.cxx:697, Err# 11, tid 800 origtid 800
I. 03/21 08:24:59. 0000000000 [20308]: Attempt to use object after EOF on file <path>/SysSharedTemp01.iqtmp
-- (hos_bio.cxx 697)
- Also, the following error may occur during create database :
*** Sybase IQ Abort:
*** From: s_blockmap.cxx:6768
*** PID: 23312
*** Exception Location: 0x0x7fc6a4842590
*** Error ID: 2095, Exception Type: s_writeexception
*** Thread: 2760136448 (TID: 6, Original TID: 6)
*** Error #: 0, O/S Error #: 0
**************************************************Exception Thrown from hos_bio.cxx:775, Err# 33, tid 6 origtid 6
O/S Err#: 28, ErrID: 518 (hos_bioexception); SQLCode: -1006094, SQLState: 'QBA94', Severity: 14
[20332]: Disk is or will be full on I/O to or allocation of file <path>/<DBFILE NAME>.iq
-- (hos_bio.cxx 775)
Write blk 83047234 for 16 blk(s) (dbBlkSz 8192)
main Bufman: I/O error while writing; buffer={btype=16,nlb=16,blk=1,pbn=83047234,npb=16,uid=2,txn=18446744073709551615,sp=4294967295,flgs=0x8452 page={btype=16,nlb=16,npb=16,ctr=13
1,cta=131,pbn=83047234,txn=0,sp=0,ver=1,pb=2,pus=1}. s_buf.cxx:1998
SAP Sybase IQ 15.4
SAP Sybase IQ 16 GA and SP01
SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP Sybase IQ 15.4
KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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