After implementing NF-e solution, it is no longer possible to enter sales document reference number on return orders because the field is too short for the new 9 digit number. The old nota fiscal number was 6 digits. Table VBAK, field XBLNR. It can lead to error 8B236 - NF number/series is wrong.
- SAP Release Independent
- Country-Specific Developments
- Brazil
- Nota Fiscal Electronica
SAP ERP all versions ; SAP Electronic Invoicing for Brazil (SAP Nota Fiscal Eletronica) all versions
8B236, 8B 236, VBAK-XBLNR, VBAK, XBLNR, electronic, nota fiscal, NFe , KBA , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , Outbound , Problem
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