- You are using accounts payable and receivable payment file program (RFFOBR_U, RFFOBR_A and RFFOBR_D) to generate the TXT (Remessa) file to send to the bank
- The sender's CNPJ does not appear in the TXT file.
- If you check transaction OBY6 you'll see that you have already done the necessary customizing regarding the CNPJ Business place and the CNPJ Company Registration
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- ERP 6.0 or higher
- Country-Specific Developments
- Brazil
SAP ERP all versions
SAP ECC, TXT, RFFOBR_U, F110, CNPJ, FEBRABAN, Payment, Cobrança, Itau ,bradesco, Arquivo, banco, pagamento, remessa, retorno, Localização Brasil, Localization Brazil , KBA , FI-LOC-FI-BR-PMT , PIX, CNAB and Febraban , How To
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