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A Nota Fiscal was sent to approval/skip. GRC system received the response from SEFAZ and finished the process, but ERP system (J1BNFE) was not updated and this nota fiscal is still awaiting for a response.
REMARK: In the example below SEFAZ approved the Nota Fiscal (status 100), but this also works when SEFAZ gives a rejection and this is not sent to ERP correctly or for skipping (status 102).
- SAP releases 46C and higher
SLL-NFE SP 17 and higher
Nota fiscal, monitor, J1BNFE, atualizar, aprovação, informação correta, rejeitada, aprovada, inutilizada , KBA , SLL-NFE , Nota Fiscal Electronica (NFe) , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , Outbound , Problem
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