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1906531 - Error "processDPCommandsEx API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270)" is shown immediately in the list of values area of the prompt screen after refreshing a report that is based on a .unx universe to an OLAP connection to BPC 7.5.


  • A Webi report is built on top of a .unx universe.
  • The .unx universe is connected to an OLAP connection to BPC 7.5.  The OLAP connection uses SSO to connect to the BPC data source.
  • The user logs onto BI Launchpad using the Windows AD credentials.
  • When the user refreshes the report and the prompt selection screen shows up, the list of values window for the first prompt shows a "processDPCommandsEx' API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270)" error for a split second.



  • SAP BusinessObjects WebIntelligence BI4.0 Service Pack 05 (SP05).
  • BPC (Business Planning and Consolidation) 7.5 on IIS.  XMLA Access.
  • .NET Frameword 3.5 SP1.
  • Windows Active Directory.


SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0


ADAPT, 01704485, 1704485, bug, defect, TE50133418, 5050133418, LOV, LOVS, list of value, list of values, cache, caching, process dp command, ERR, WIS, 30270, flickering, single sign on, WindowsAD, SSO, sign on, hierarchical , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed

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