After you have archived the PO data, when you go to MIR4 you will received green message M8_2008 (Invoice document read from archive), and some of the item data are not store-up anymore in the MIR4 line item.
Those data entries from invoice line item are:
PO Text (TXZ01)
Received (WEMNG)
Settled (REMNG)
GR Qty in OPUnc (BPWEM)
IR quantity (BPREM)
Net PO Value (NETWR)
Net Price (NETPR)
PO Currency (BEWAE)
Price Unit (PEINH)
Material (MATNR)
Del.Date (EINDT)
Created by (ERNAM)
- Materials Management (MM)
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise 4.7
- SAP ERP Core Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
You have implement note 1577249 and note 1309076 in your system, or you have already installed the relevant support package level within your system.
Relevant support package level:
- SAPKH60020
- SAPKH60210
- SAPKH60309
- SAPKH60410
- SAPKH60505
MIR4, Display, Archived, M8_2008, ASH_MM_REBEL_READ, ME_READ_ITEM_INVOICE, ME_READ_COND_INVOICE, ME_EKPO_SINGLE_READ, ECC, MMRSTD , KBA , m8_2008 , display , mir4 , me_read_item_invoice , me_read_cond_invoice , me_ekpo_single_read , ash_mm_rebel_read , MM-IV-LIV-ARCH , Data Archiving , How To
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