You are getting error messages in BW Transaction RSDDBIAMON2 for internal errors while performing checks.
The long text is:
Internal error while executing check open_handles.
And the check detail is:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 217, in run
result = self.nsc.alertCheck(self.check, self.params)
File "/hostname/BWA/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.20.**.******/python_support/", line 6898, in alertCheck
checkResult = self.calcColor_openHandles(result, check, params)
File "/hostname/BWA/exe/nuc/linuxx86_64/TREX_7.20.**.******/python_support/", line 6466, in calcColor_openHa
warningLimit = self.helper.str2Int(params[NSCC.T_NSCHKS_PARAM_WARNING])
KeyError: 'warning'
- BWA 700 all revisions
BWA 720 all revisions
SAP NetWeaver Business Intelligence Accelerator 7.0 ; SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse Accelerator 7.2
Internal Error, open_handles, NameserverChecks, Warning, Alert Server Configuration, business warehouse accelerator, file "", keyerror: 'warning', bwa 700, 720 , KBA , BC-TRX-BIA , TREX BI Accelerator , How To
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