- Error 7207 and / or 7208 is raised for an activity that calls on a remote server, including :
- When trying to backup ASE with dump database through Backup Server
- Excetuting a extended stored procedure using XP Server
- A user query on a remote server
- The sequence and accompanying errrors can vary depending on what is run and what remote server type is used
- Below two typical examples
- Note that either error 7207 or 7208 could be seen for both sequences
Backup Server
Msg 7207, Level 17, State 3
Server 'ASE', Line 1
Can't open a connection to site 'SYB_BACKUP' because there are no remote connections available.
Rerun when there are fewer remote users and/or fewer local users making remote accesses, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.
Msg 7205, Level 18, State 3
Server 'ASE', Line 1
Can't open a connection to site 'SYB_BACKUP'. See the error log file in the ASE boot directory.
Msg 3220, Level 17, State 4:
Server 'ASE', Line 1:
Could not establish communication with Backup Server 'ASE_BS'. Please make sure that there is an entry in Sysservers for this server, and that the correct server is running.
XP Server
Msg 7208, Level 17, State 1:
Server 'ASE', Line 1:
Can't open a connection to site 'ASE_XP' because there are no remote logins available.
Rerun when there are fewer local users making remote accesses, or contact a user with System Admi nistrator (SA) role.
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE)
SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions ; Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise all versions
dump database, low connections value, sp_configure, xp_server, remote, connections, logins , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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