SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1908943 - Unexpected Error During backend Processing While Accessing Materials view in Product Data work center


When you try to navigate to Materials view of Product Data work center, the system takes longer processing time and results in Unexpected Error During backend error.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Product Data work center.
  2. Select Materials view.
  3. The issue may occur here or when you select Go button with query as Incomplete Materials.


The default query Incomplete Materials of work center Product Data, view Materials can cause a delay during the search when a large number of materials and a large amount of data on the Purchasing, Logistics, Planning, Availability Confirmation, Sales or Valuation tabs are available in the system.

System will throw the error when the processing takes longer than 60 seconds.


To avoid error screen or the dumps when opening work center Product Data, view Materials, please switch from the default query Incomplete Materials to any other default query by executing the following steps:

Option 1: (For a Specific User)

  1. Go to Product Data work center.
  2. Select Overview view.
  3. Select any Quick Link under paragraph Materials, except Incomplete Materials, e.g. Materials Changed within last 31 Days.
  4. Select the Advanced link in the upper-right hand corner.
  5. Select Organize Queries button.
  6. Select any query except query Incomplete Materials under paragraph Set Default Query, e.g. Materials Changed within last 31 Days.
  7. Select Ok button.

The default query for work center Product Data, view Materials is changed now.

Option 2: (For a All the Users in the system and this steps will be performed by Key User only)

  1. Go to Product Data work center.
  2. Select Materials view.
  3. Select Adapt and choose Enter Adaptation Mode
  4. Select Advanced link .
  5. Select Organize Queries button.
  6. Set Default Query to any query other than Incomplete Materials and select Ok button.
  7. Select Save Query Button and select Ok Button.
  8. Again select Adapt and choose Edit Screen
  9. Select Publish Button
  10. Leave Overwrite Flag unchecked and select Publish button.
  11. Wait until publishing is finished.
  12. Select Adapt and choose Leave Adaptation


KBA , SRD-MD-PRD-PRD , Product , How To


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