SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1909854 - Changed Purchase Order Form is not Generated in Output History Tab


There are 2 scenarios:

  1. You modified a purchase order and submitted it to the supplier after saving the the document or selecting Send Update.
    However in the tab Output History, there is no new output of type: Purchase Order Change.
  2. For few purchase orders, you are able to see both create and changed purchase order forms , however for others, only create form is available and not changed purchase order form in the output history tab


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Purchase Requests and Orders Work Center.
  2. Navigate to the Purchase Orders View.
  3. Select the relevant purchase order and choose Edit.
  4. Make a change and press the button Send Update.
  5. Close and reopen the purchase order.
  6. Go to the tab Output History.
  7. You notice that there is no new document of type Purchase Order Change generated.


  1. Go to the Purchase Requests and Orders Work Center.
  2. Navigate to the Purchase Orders View.
  3. Search for any Purchase Order which is already finished or has follow up document created status.
  4. Choose View All and navigate to Output History tab.
  5. Only Create Purchase order form is available, Changed Purchase Order form is not generated.



The new changes were not relevant to the supplier. Hence no output was sent out to printer or via email / fax.
In the tab Changes, in the Details section for the particular change, you can read: No relevant change documents were found.
The changes will be triggered if you add an item, change the quantity , price , account assignment etc in an item.


When you create a Purchase Order and send to supplier , then create Purchase Order template is generated in output history and if you do not do any changes in the purchase order , then only one form (create Purchase order form) will be there in output history after the Purchase order is finished.

In this case, order was created and sent to supplier once (no changes/send update was done), hence only create Purchase order form is generated in output history


Case1: If you want to generate a new output of the purchase order in its current status, you can do a dummy change and save (before doing so, you can temporarily change the output settings to avoid a paper output or that an email/fax is sent out to the supplier contact). Afterward revert the change and save the purchase order once more (with correct output settings). In the tab Output History, you can find 2 new outputs, the most recent one being the desired form for the supplier.

Case2: You have to select "send update" if you change anything in the purchase order which is in sent status, only then the changes will be sent to the supplier and a changed Purchase order form will be generated in output history which will capture the updated Purchase order version for supplier reference.


Purchase Order form, Changed Purchase Order, Create Purchase Order form, Output History , KBA , successful , adobe , pdf , template , pending , submitted on , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , How To


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