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1910509 - ADJUSTIMP: "The system does not have this COMPONENT" / "Request does not have this SAPCOMPONENT"


There is a warning in the upgrade phase ADJUSTIMP with SUM in the ADJUSTPRP.LOG file like this:

Scenario 1.

2 ETQ399 Table ET_MESSAGES (#2):
3 ETQ399 "ZZZK955557","C-CEE","The system does not have this COMPONENT"
3 ETQ399 "ZZZK955557","LOCILERP","The system does not have this COMPONENT"
2WETQ399 Issues occurred when calling Function module 'CHECK_REQUEST_SP_LEVEL'
2WETQ399 ET_MESSAGES contains for each non-fitting transport request information.
2WETQ399 ET_TO_BE_CHECKED contains for each non-fitting transport request
2WETQ399 for all its objects a component information.

an other case

Scenario 2.

3 ETQ399 "TZKK933215","IW_BEP","Request does not have this SAPCOMPONENT attribute"
2WETQ399 Issues occurred when calling Function module 'CHECK_REQUEST_SP_LEVEL'
2WETQ399 ET_MESSAGES contains for each non-fitting transport request information.



  • SAP ABAP System.


SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP all versions


prepare, SUM , KBA , BC-UPG-PRP , Upgrade Preparation , BC-UPG-ADDON , Upgrade Add-On Components , How To

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