- Executing transaction /SAPSLL/SPL_CHSS3 requires providing country besides Legal Regulation.
- The address comparison scheme for the related Legal Regulation has been defined with checking object 'Country', as recommend by SAP.
- Simulation will only identify hits for a SPL master data record in case name and country are matching.
- This means that SPL master data records delivered from data provider containing country ' ' or 'XX', which have been created with country ' ' in GTS SPL master data record, will always be found as a hit, when name is matching.
- But SPL master data records containing one or more special countries will only lead to a hit in case respective country has been selected in selection screen of /SAPSLL/SPL_CHSS3, so that name and country are matching.
- Global Trade Services (GTS)
- Global Trade Services / Logistics Services (SLL)
- SAP Global Trade Services
SAP Global Trade Services all versions
901, 900, 800, 720, 710, 700, 300, 300_640, 300_620
Simulation, Allgemeine Adressprüfung simulieren, Land, Mussfeld, Treffer , KBA , SLL-LEG-CON-SPL , Sanctioned Party List Screening , SLL-LEG , Global Trade Services GTS , SLL , Global Trade Services / Logistics Services , Problem
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