- Access Levels Not Working Properly
- AUTO_UPDATE_QUERY is set to YES at the universe (both unv and unx universes).
- On one object the 'Access Level' is set to 'Restricted' and a user has only 'Controlled' rights on the universe (set on universe security from CMC)
- When the user refreshes the report, it sees '#syntax' for the object which has 'Restricted' access level. However, if the report is now refreshed with admin account and saved (with all data), then the user is able to see all data when the report is refreshed again
- SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0 SP 6
- Information Design Tool
- Web Intelligence
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform 4.0
#syntax, Restricted, Access Level , KBA , BI-BIP-SL , Semantic Layer , Bug Filed
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