- You trigger an initial download of groupware customizing object and in CRM inbound queue (SMQ2), you see queues with name starting by ISP_D*. The status of the queue is SYSFAIL.
- In CRM, you see dump:
- SAP Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM
- SAP enhancement package for SAP CRM, version for SAP HANA
smq1,smqr,smqs,smoeac,r3ar2,r3ar4,r3ar3,r3am1,mapbox,r3ac1,r3ac3, GWA_ACTVCAT, GWA_ACTVCHAR, GWA_ADDRCOMMAP, GWA_APPLN_MSG, GWA_BPROLES, GWA_BP_CUST, GWA_CATG_CUST, GWA_COUNTRY, GWA_CUSTPROP, GWA_CUST_LANGU, GWA_CUST_PERS3, GWA_CUST_PRIO, GWA_DATA, GWA_GWOMSTRCAT, GWA_GWO_SELRET, GWA_MDT, GWA_PROCTYPE, GWA_SITETYPE, GWA_STAREASON, GWA_STAT_CUST, The current application triggered a termination with a short dump, replicate, upload, initial upload, request load, initial load , KBA , CRM-MW-GWI , Groupware Integration , CRM-MW , Middleware , CRM-MW-ADP , Middleware Adapter , CRM-MW-GWI-GWA , Groupware Adapter , Problem
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