SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

1915947 - KBA: Layout Settings are ignored when pressing "Save and aggregate LTDVs"


Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.

  • You run the transaction for 'Maintaining long term vendor declarations' with an own defined layout.
  • Based on your layout settings, the result list is correctly displayed for filtered data only.
  • When pressing button "Save and aggregate LTVDs", the system ignores the layout selection and processes all data, that would be displayed without the definitions of own layout settings..



  • Preference Processing
  • Definition of user specific layouts during LTVD maintenance


SAP Global Trade Services 10.0 ; SAP Global Trade Services 10.1 ; SAP Global Trade Services 11.0


Maintain Vendor Declarations; Vendor Based Vendor Declarations; LTVD; Layout Settings; Save and Aggregate LTVDs; User specific layout functions;
Lieferantenseitige Lieferantenerklärungen verwalten; Lieferantenerklärung pflegen;  LLE sichern und verdichten;
Benutzerspezifisches Layout; , KBA , SLL-LEG-RSK-PRE-VDC , Preference: Vendor Declaration Management , SLL-LEG-RSK-PRE , Risk: Preference Management , SLL-LEG-RSK , Risk Management , How To

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