SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1917402 - Stock Value Different For The Product In Stock Overview Screen and Product Planning Screen


You see that the stock for a Material in Stock Overview screen is X (X means the quantity of the Material) quantity, but in the Product Planning Screen system shows Available Stock as Y (Y means the quantity of the Material) quantity which is less than X.


SAP Business ByDesign.

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Outbound Logistics Work Center.
  2. Go to Common Tasks View.
  3. Go to Stock Overview subview.
  4. In the field Show, select All Stock by Selection and enter Product ID as required.
  5. Choose option Go.
  6. Here system shows On-Hand Stock as X quantity.
  7. Then navigate to Supply Planning Work Centre.
  8. Go to Products View.
  9. In the field Show, select All Products by Selection and enter Product ID same as above.
  10. Choose Go.
  11. Select the Product ID and Open it.
  12. In Supply and Demand screen, here system shows Available Stock as Y quantity.
    Here you find that there is a difference for a Product in On-Hand Stock and Available Stock in a system.


This is because On-Hand stock of the quantity has been assigned to the warehouse order to which associated outbound delivery ID is not yet released. Therefore system still shows that assigned quantity as On-Hand Stock. Also when you check the stock type is a Goods Issue which means that this stock has been assigned to an order which is yet to be issued.


In order to remove the difference in quantities, please follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Outbound Logistics Work Center.
  2. Go to Outbound Deliveries View.
  3. In the field Show, select All Outbound Deliveries by Selection using dropdown and find relevant Outbound Delivery ID for a product.
  4. Select and choose Release button.
  5. Once you release the delivery, system issued the associated quantity for a product and reduces the On-Hand Stock same as Available Stock.

Further in order to see Stock Type and associated Warehouse Order ID in Stock Overview screen, you have to use the Personalize option available at the top right corner of the screen.

See Also


Stock Overview, Product Planning, Available Stock, On-Hand Stock , KBA , AP-SDM , Supply and Demand Matching , How To


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